Alfaltas for Paints., Corp في القاهرة  | محلات الانترنت Alfaltas for Paints., Corp القاهرة  (مصر)

Alfaltas for Paints., Corp

+20 (1) 536-04-14


مصر,  القاهرة ,  القاهرة ,  Tenth of Ramadan city – Industrial zone A1'

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Alfaltas for Paints., Corp

لأكثر من نصف قرن ، بدأ السيد سامي فلتس المجموعة كشركة صغيرة تسمى "شركة سامي فلتس للبويات". يرجع ذلك إلى الجهود الشاقة، لا تزال التنمية، ورفع مستوى لدينا آلية والتكنولوجيا المستخدمة وأساليب التدريب لفريق العمل لدينا. "آل فلتس" أصبح اسم موثوق الجودة لجميع العملاء على حد سواء وطنيا ودوليا. في عام 1985 أسست الصيدلي / ادوارد سامي فلتس أول مصنع في الشرق الأوسط لإنتاج أكسيد الحديد الاصطناعية الصفراء والحمراء الصباغ التي تم استيرادها من الخارج في هذا الوقت. نظرا لطموح وتجربة الصيدلي / إدوارد سامي فلتس نجح في إنتاج أكسيد الحديد الاصطناعية الصفراء والحمراء مع جودة عالية جدا المتنافسة واحد تصديرها
المنتجات والخدمات
دهان اصفر 555
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: الدهانات
دهان زيتي فاتح
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: الدهانات
لون اخضر مائي
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: يرسم الفن
Blue oil
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: الدهانات
Edi Tile black stone
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: الدهانات
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: قرميد
اكسيد حديد اصفر
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: يرسم الفن
Edi coat covering
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: طليات زخرفية
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: قرميد
Universal paste
For more than half a century, Mr Samy faltas group started as a small firm called "Samy Faltas company for paints ". Due to the hard efforts, continues development, upgrading to our machinery, used technology and methods of training to our team. "Al Faltas" became a trustful name of quality to all...
المجموعة: غراء مكثف


جموعة كاملة من المنتجات والخدمات Alfaltas for Paints., Corp. جميع المعلومات عن Alfaltas for Paints., Corp في القاهرة (مصر).